Personal Information Collection Advice – Employment
By completing application forms and in the course of your employment you are providing personal information to InsightFTS, Insight Human Resources and other Insight group companies (we, us, or our).
Who do we collect the personal information from?
We generally collect your personal information only from you in application forms or in the course of your work including sales data and recordings of sales calls. We may also receive personal information from a third party (for instance if we receive a job reference information) when it is relevant to our employment and related responsibilities.
For what purposes do we collect personal information?
We collect your personal information to:
- Fulfil our employment responsibilities to you including paying wages, keeping reliable contact information, records of your work and performance;
- relevant health and safety information; and
- providing information to third parties as authorised or required by law.
What if we didn’t collect this personal information?
Without your personal information we are unlikely to be able to employ you, perform our permitted or licenced functions, pay you, fulfil our employment functions or keep reliable records of our work.
Who are the types of bodies and persons to whom we usually disclose your personal information?
Your personal information, or as much as is needed may be provided to:
- customers such as your name;
- clients of Insight, incidental to the sales we make on behalf of those clients;
- our professional advisors and contractors (strictly on the basis that the information is to be used only for providing services to Insight and must not be disclosed by them); and
- Australian regulators and government entities (such as law enforcement authorities for Visa regulators, Police record checks, the Australian Taxation Office, superannuation fund and raffle regulators).
Disclosure overseas
If as a result of using a service located overseas such as a call centre or administrative processor of some kind your name may be disclosed to those providers. Were more detailed disclosure to occur we will notify you. All service providers that have access to personal information held by us are required to keep the information confidential and not to make use of it for any purpose other than to provide services in accordance with their engagement.
Privacy and Employment
Employee records in relation to current and former employment relationships is exempt from the Australian Privacy Principles for either:
- a current or former employment relationship between the employer and the individual, and
- an employee record held by the organisation relating to the individual such as the application particulars.
Information relating to your application which does not lead to employment is retained or destroyed subject to your direction in that part of the application form. In all instances the fact that you did apply (name and date of birth) is retained.
Access and correction of personal information
We insist that you keep your contact information up to date. Please notify us of any changes. You may access all general records of your employment however we distinguish between general records and confidential records dealing with disputes or complaints which may be exempt, confidential or subject to legal professional privilege.
Our privacy policy contains information about how you may access your personal information and seek correction of such information; as well as how to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with such a complaint. Our privacy policy is accessible here.
InsightFTS Pty Ltd, Insight Human Resources Pty Ltd are the main employment entities and provide staff services to Insight Holdings Consolidated Pty Ltd and Loughlin Pty Ltd as required.
Phone: 02 9216 1623
PO Box 986 Strawberry Hills 2010